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10 Superb Low-Calorie Banana Recipes Everyone Will Love!

We’ve all been in the same situation, where you’ve bought a bunch of bananas to eat instead of unhealthy snacks in an attempt to make your diet healthier.

10 Superb Low-Calorie Banana Recipes Everyone Will Love!

However, you never did end up eating them, and you now have a bunch of overripe bananas that need to be used up as soon as possible, so what do you do? 

If you find yourself in this situation, then don’t worry, as these bananas will definitely not be going to waste.

Instead, we’re going to show you how to make some delicious low-calorie recipes that are just as healthy as the bananas themselves (see also “Best Paleo Banana Muffins Recipes“)! 

So, to discover 10 of the most delicious low-calorie banana recipes that we’re sure everyone will love, then check out this superb list below. 

Superb Low-Calorie Banana Recipes

Oatmeal Banana Pancakes

If you’re trying to be healthier and are aiming to cut back on the calories in your diet, then breakfast pancakes probably aren’t the first food that comes to mind when trying to think of things to eat on a daily basis.

However, with this incredible recipe, you’ll be able to enjoy delicious and fluffy pancakes on a regular basis without having to worry about the calories they contain. 

These pancakes are the perfect way to start the day, and only contain 397 calories, which is the perfect amount to ensure that you’re getting a hearty and filling breakfast without taking in too many calories. 

An added bonus to this recipe is that these pancakes also contain 13 grams of protein too thanks to the addition of oats in the batter, so they’re truly perfect for those looking to slim down! 

Banana Curry

Whilst some people might question this recipe, we promise you that bananas definitely work in a curry, much better than you’d initially think too, and if you’re looking for a recipe that is going to provide you with an excellent time-to-taste ratio then you’re going to absolutely adore this recipe, which will provide you with an easy and healthy lunch or dinner in just 20 minutes! 

This recipe is vegetarian-friendly, and creates enough servings for 2 people, so it’s perfect for sharing, or you could freeze it for meal prep if you’d prefer. Each serving contains 630 calories, which is much lower than your usual curry would be. 

For a delicious mid-day meal or post-work snack, try out this amazing low-calorie banana curry sometime soon! 

Baked Banana Chips

When you first begin attempting to cut back on your calorie intake, some of the most difficult foods to get rid of are often the most calorific, and if you’re someone who eats chips on a regular basis, then they’re likely to be one of the biggest culprits for the high amount of calories you eat every day. So how do you replace them with something healthier?

The answer lies in these amazing baked banana chips, which are the perfect food to snack on, all whilst keeping your calorie intake low, so you still get to snack on chips, but this time they’re much healthier. 

There are only two ingredients needed to make these delicious snacks, and you can even make them ahead of time and add them to your lunchbox if you want to, which means that you won’t ever be tempted by unhealthy chips again! 

Overnight Banana Oats

If you’re looking to reign in the temptation of an unhealthy breakfast or brunch option every morning, then meal prepping is one of the best ways to do it, and because you don’t have to worry about the stress or hassle of preparing your feed each and every day, it also means that you have more time to get ready and enjoy the morning time, so this recipe is great if you often find yourself leaving the house without breakfast. 

These amazing overnight oats only take 5 minutes to prepare, but can save you a load of time the next morning.

They’re vegan too, so anyone is able to enjoy this delicious breakfast option. A pot (see also “10 Superb Keto Instant Pot Recipes Everyone Will Love!“) of these overnight oats contains 387 calories, which is the perfect amount for a hearty and filling breakfast. 

The best thing about these oats? You don’t need to eat them cold! Which makes them perfect for both the summer and the winter! 

Healthy Banana Bread

Mention to anyone that you have some overripe and unused bananas lying around your pantry, and you can be sure that one of the first suggestions you’ll hear recommended to you will be banana bread, however, if you’re looking for a banana bread that is actually healthy, then you’ve definitely come to the right place. 

Everyone loves banana bread (see also “10 Best High Fiber Bread Recipes To Try Today“), it’s filling, nostalgic, and is definitely one of the best comfort foods out there, so being able to make a super healthy version is a great way to ensure that you can still enjoy the foods you love without eating too many calories. 

There’s no white sugar in this recipe either, as it’s naturally sweetened through the use of maple syrup or honey (depending on whether or not you’re vegan), and each slice only contains 233 calories, so you certainly won’t feel too guilty about eating it either!

Vegan Banana Muffins With Apple Chunks

Trying to satisfy that craving for something sweet whilst trying to maintain a low-calorie diet is difficult, especially if you’re vegan too.

However, this recipe is here to prove that you can be both healthy and enjoy delicious sweet snacks. If you’re a fan of both apples and bananas, then this muffin recipe is definitely going to appeal to you. 

These amazing muffins are vegan-friendly, easy to make, and also low in calories too, containing only 171 calories per muffin, so you definitely won’t feel bad about having one of these with your breakfast alongside your usual coffee or tea, or even as part of your lunchtime meal, and you can even store them in the freezer too! 

Banana Mug Cake

Another way of beating away those cravings for something sweet in just 5 minutes, this banana mug cake ensures that you can get your sugary fix without indulging in anything too unhealthy or too high in calories, and because it’s all made inside of a mug, it means that the portion size is controlled too, so you don’t have to worry about being tempted with another slice. 

It’s rare to find a recipe so delicious and healthy that takes such little time to make, so this one is perfect for those rainy days when you want to get away with just using up some of the ingredients you have in your pantry, rather than having to go grocery shopping in order to create something delicious! 

Avocado And Banana Cacao Mousse

Two of the ingredients that contain the most calories are dairy and refined sugars, which is why so many people try to avoid them when it comes to cutting out the excess calories in their diet.

However, as any dessert aficionado will tell you, these are two of the most common ingredients found in desserts, so how do you go about making an amazing dessert without them? 

Well, this mousse manages to do just that, and with the sweetness provided by the banana, and the creaminess from the avocado, this dessert is sure to go down a treat between you and your guests, and it definitely proves that a delicious dessert doesn’t need sugar or dairy products to taste incredible! For more delicious dairy-free desserts, read here!

Strawberry And Banana Frozen Yogurt

In the intense summer heat, almost nothing beats the incredible feeling of eating an ice cream, but when you’re trying to monitor those calories carefully, eating something as unhealthy as the ice cream is definitely something you should try to avoid, which is where this incredible frozen yogurt recipe comes in. It scoops just like ice cream, and tastes just as good (if not better) except it’s not full of unhealthy sugar. 

If you like soft-serve ice cream, then you can serve it right away, but you can also freeze it too, which means storing it is super easy and allows you to make larger batches so that you can eat it whenever you want, and each serving of this delicious summer dessert only contains 170 calories too! 

Banana And Peach Smoothie

Bananas have always been one of the most popular additions to a fruit smoothie, and this recipe is just one example of the many different flavor combinations that you can make for a smoothie, and with just 258 calories per smoothie, it’s a great way to enjoy some delicious fruit! 

Final Words

We hope you’ve enjoyed this guide to 10 of the most superb low-calorie banana recipes, and with so much variety on this list, we’re sure that there will be something here for everyone to love. Thanks for reading!

Justin Roberts